
Gala Games Is Not Your Ordinary Software Provider

Gala GamesGala Games isn’t quite like your run-of-the-mill casino software provider. In fact, it’s very different from its counterparts. For a start, it isn’t a conventional provider of typical casino games. Firstly, it develops blockchain games exclusively. Secondly, none of their titles are gambling games in the true sense of the term. What does this mean for you if you want to bet online?

Let’s begin by exploring some top crypto sites offering their games and take a closer look at the games themselves. Join us as we explain why Gala Games is an intriguing, if wholly different provider to consider when playing online.

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What’s Strange About Gala Games?

Gala Games was founded in 2019 by a group that had previously worked on social media hits, such as Zynga’s Farmville and Mafia Wars. The aim was to create a software provider that focuses on blockchain games that could allow its members to exchange, trade, and upgrade digital assets and play using Gala tokens, which can be ERC-20 or BEP-20 tokens.

As touched on, Gala Games doesn’t produce conventional slots and table games. Instead, it is a provider of blockchain titles, which are more like video games or mobile games than anything else. The games themselves run on Windows, and the app you can install works much like the Steam or GOG store in that you can acquire games and play them on your computer. Furthermore, you can experiment with play-to-earn elements in this developer’s games.

Assets and NFTs can be acquired by playing games from Gala. Over time, you can trade and sell these assets for real money gain. Moreover, you can purchase assets and awards from other players by using GALA Tokens. They can be acquired through real crypto transactions. As you can see, there is an entire ecosystem underlining the Gala Games Network, making it interesting, to say the least.

Gala Games Free-to-Play Blockchain Games

You don’t need to know the ins and outs of blockchain betting to play Gala’s games. On the contrary, Gala Games develops titles so that the blockchain and mechanics involved are virtually invisible, allowing any newbie to play. Furthermore, you get to own “what you win” when playing. For the most part, prizes come in the form of NFTs, which can include anything from gold to swords – you name it. These verifiable assets are transferable and tradable and can be staked in-game, but they don’t equate to real money cash prizes.

Because of the way that this occurs, you couldn’t necessarily say that any of the titles produced by Gala Games constitute gambling. As such, their titles are often unlicensed and don’t attract the attention of gambling boards and scrutineers. It is worth noting that while any assets you win aren’t real money, that doesn’t mean that you can’t trade them with other players for real cash.

Gala’s titles are also developed in coordination with their fans. Gala Games directly chats with its Discord members, who help develop and fashion new games. By engaging with its core audience, the provider can produce games that are shaped by the direction the community wants to take, are engaging, and are in demand from its players.

Gala Games’ Top Crypto Casino Games

As mentioned, Gala Games’ titles are not the crypto gambling games you might otherwise be used to seeing. Therefore, you can’t win real money playing them. However, there are assets and NFTs up for grabs when playing some of Gala’s top titles, and they can see you land cash.

Gala Games has produced RPGs, arcade games, city builders, and other types of games in its short history. Here’s just a brief look at a handful of the most popular games on the Gala Games Network. They include:

  • Spider-Tank
  • Town Star
  • Mirandus
  • Fortified
  • Champions Arena

FAQS: We Answer Your Gala Games Questions

Does Gala Games have any real gambling games?

No, but its games can have verifiable assets in them located on the blockchain. Those can be traded to another person or sold for real crypto.

How is Gala Games run?

Gala Games is run and, in part, owned by its community. It develops games by engaging with its Discord community, which helps shape the types of titles it releases.

Do I need to be a crypto pro to play Gala Games’ titles?

No. Gala Games develops its titles so that the blockchain is invisible in their games. Therefore, you won’t need to learn any complicated mechanics or be a blockchain pro to play.